Catwalk 30. april 2022
Catwalk will happen Saturday 30. april in the center of Oslo between 14.00 and 17.00. Scheduled places for Catwalk are Brynjulf Bulls plass; outside Nobels Fredssenter, Kunstnernes Hus and maybe Universitetsplassen.
The day before 1. May used to be the day of youth rebellion in Norway about 50 years ago. The riots became so noisy that the authorities ordered the state TV channel to send rock conerts this evening. Truly an improvement from nothing at all! Today the same people are about to make more noise to raise attention to a cause that's troubleing our societies: Ageism.
Ageism is the biggest issue for discrimination that is not recognized as such yet. We live in a society that prefers people of a certain age. This is affecting young and elderly, no discrimination there.
Therefor, First Supper Symposium (FSS) has rented a genuin Russebuss and will roll around Oslo on this important date and show the art project Catwalk 3 places in Oslo center. Expect noise! Pictures of Russebuss will come as soon as the young students/owners allow it. Meanwhile we can show FSS' banner here. It will hang on the outside of the bus while we are rolling. It's made by multi artist Christopher Nielsen and renowned graffiti artist Ridder.
Equally renowned graffiti artist Espen Sørli will make a banner for Pensjonistforbundet.
The project is supported by Pensjonistforbundet.